Hola, hoy se me antojo un agua de horchata y como se que es comun que a mucha gente nos gusta pero varios no sabemos hacerla, decidi subir la receta!
Today I was thinking about this rice water drink and my mouth started to water, it's a drink very common here in Mexico but not a lot of people knows how to make it so here is my recipe!!
1 taza de arroz
1 cup of rice
1 rajita de canela
1 cinnamon stick
1 lata de leche condensada
1 can of condensed milk
1 lata de leche evaporada
1 can evaporated milk
1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
1 tablespoon of vanilla extractPoner a remojar el arroz con la rajita de canela por lo menos 3 horas despues licuar y colar en una jarra junto con la leche evaporada, agregar la cantidad de agua deseada (yo hago dos litros y medio) endulzar con leche condensada y/o azucar al gusto agregar la vainilla y hielo y listo.
Soak the rice with the cinnamon stick for at least 3 hours then blend the rice and cinnamon stick with water strain the rice and just keep the juice put in a jar with the desired amount of water (I make two and half litters) sweeten with condensed milk and/or sugar to your taste, add vanilla and ice and serve. There you have it!